(0)1264 781988 info@deversprings.co.uk

Our Lakes

Dever Springs

A Trout Fishery located in the beautiful Hampshire countryside offering fly fishing experiences and fun days out that are second to none.

The Crystal Clear Waters Of Dever Springs

These crystal clear waters enable discerning anglers to stalk exceptional fish. Specimen fish taken at Dever include a British record brown of 28lbs 2ozs. The minimum stocking size is 4lbs, with 6lb’s being average at the moment.

Every angler coming to Dever Springs has a very real chance of taking double-figure fish, just take a look at the gallery. The lakes are stocked each day with top quality trout, reared within the fishery.

Stocking Policy

The stocking of our hard fighting rainbows averaging 6lb’s will continue as always.  This year we have fully restocked our ‘Stonk pond’ with large fully finned specimens from 10lb to 20lb. The biggest fish caught in 2019 was 24lbs 4oz.

So far the mild winter has really enabled us to pack the weight on our stock fish which will mean a bigger than normal average through the spring.

Both the stock ponds can be viewed and are located on the far side of Willow lake, the larger of the ponds contains our ‘everyday’ stock fish (4-10lb) whilst the smaller pond contains the ‘Dever Doubles’ all of which are 10lb plus, if you look closely you will see a few 20lber’s in there.

Dever Springs (Angling) Ltd,

Barton Stacey, Nr. Winchester Hampshire SO21 3NP

Office Opening Times

8am – 12pm (Noon) Monday to Sunday
Answerphone outside of this times. 




(0)1264 720 592

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